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Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre


Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre


Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Media kit folder

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Posters, leaflets, banners, photographs and infographics on display.

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Posters, leaflets, banners, photographs and infographics on display.

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Posters, leaflets, banners, photographs and infographics on display.

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Posters, leaflets, banners, photographs and infographics on display.

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Painting of the banners.

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre


Afghanistan Elections media centre

Afghanistan Elections media centre

Banners at media centre entrance.

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter

JEMB Update newsletter



“I am a bit removed from the day-to-day grind in JEMB but I thought I would mention that time and time again, I hear good things about your management style, the professionalism of your unit and the quality outputs. Good work!”


- Adam C. Bouloukos, Ph.D., Deputy Country Coordinator

  United Nations Office for Project Services

  Kabul, Afghanistan




Client: United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), UNDP, UNOPS

Joint Electoral Management Body Secretariat (JEMBS), Afghanistan


Project: Presidential, Afghanistan National and Provincial Elections Media Centre and newsletter


Products: Media kits, Newsletters, Exhibit included: posters, leaflets, cartoon strips, photographs, infographics and hand painted banners


Languages: English, Dari and Pashto


The Media Centre was created as a results and presentation centre for The 2004 Presidential Election and The 2005 Wolesi Jirga ((Lower House of National Assembly) and Provincial Council elections. The idea was to have one place the media could gather for election information and results.  Press conferences were held throughout the day with pertinent information.


We designed a media kit, which provided background information on the JEMBS and the elections. For each election we installed an exhibition in the entrance of the centre displaying our electoral campaigns, posters, leaflets, banners, photographs and infographics with interesting facts and figures.


The bi-monthly JEMB update provided feature stories, news briefings, profiles and donor funding updates. The newsletter was distributed to staff, donors, partner organizations and the government in print and electronically. 


Design team: Karen Kelleher Carneiro, Brad Becker,

Damir Midzic, Maggie Lamb, Sandi Causevic,

Míša Alexander and Saboor

Illustrations: Toby Gibson, Ghulam Seddiq and Alef Alef

Banner painting: Alef Alef


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