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Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Timor-Leste Independence Day

Commemorative book

Client: United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET)


Project: Independence Day Commemorative Book ­– Viva Timor-Leste! 


Languages: English and Tetum


Pages: 160


In August 1999, hundreds of thousands of East Timorese voted overwhelmingly to end two-and-a-half decades of Indonesian rule. The price they paid to exercise their choice was high. Anti-independence militias went on a rampage of violence and destruction.  With the assistance of the United Nations, the East Timorese embarked on a remarkable journey to nationhood.


This Independence Commemorative book "Viva Timor-Leste" captures through stories, antidotes and photographs, the struggles, achievements and birth of a new nation.


Throughout the book the design incorporates traditional woven patterns ‘Tais’ and iconic symbols such as the crocodile, which is considered the protector of this small island.



“Karen came to the mission with extraordinary design and administrative talents. Those skills proved invaluable as she headed up a team of eight, designed and oversaw printing and distribution of a host of public information materials essential to the mission.”


- Brennon Jones, Deputy Director

  Office of Communications and Public Information

  Timor-Leste, UNTAET Mission  


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